NanoStructures  1.0
DMFT solver for layered, strongly correlated nanostructures

Density matrix implementation of the numerical renormalization group. More...

#include <nrg.h>

Public Member Functions

 NRG (ChainProvider &chainProvider, Broadener &broadener)
 constructs an NRG algorithm instance The Wilson chain is provided by an implementation of the ChainProvider interface. The Broadener is used after diagonalization of the chain and calculation of the density matrix to broaden the representation of various correlation functions as a discrete set of delta peaks into continous functions. More...
 ~NRG ()
 destructs the NRG algorithm object and frees all previously allocated memory.
void configure (config::Configuration &configuration)
 configures the NRG instance with information in the configuration object. More...
double getU () const
 retrieves the strength of the on-site impurity interaction U More...
void setU (double U)
 sets the strength of the on-site impurity interaction U More...
double getEpsF () const
 retrieves the on-site impurity energy \(\epsilon_f\) More...
void setEpsF (double epsF)
 sets the on-site impurity energy \(\epsilon_f\) More...
double getTemperature () const
 retrieves the system temperature T More...
void setTemperature (double T)
 sets the system temperature T More...
double getClusterEnergy () const
 returns the cluster energy. More...
void setClusterEnergy (double clusterEnergy)
 sets the cluster energy to the indicated value. see getClusterEnergy(). More...
double getEnergyCutOff () const
 returns the high energy cut-off for state truncation More...
void setEnergyCutOff (double energyCutOff)
 sets the high energy cut-off for state truncation More...
int getMaxHilbertSpaceDimension ()
 returns the maximum allowed size of the HilberSpace. See truncateStates(int n). More...
void setMaxHilbertSpaceDimension (int maxHSdimension)
 sets the maximum allowed size of the HilberSpace. See truncateStates(int n). More...
int getMaxIterations ()
void setMaxIterations (int maxIterations)
double getOccupationUp ()
 returns the exp. value for spin- \(\uparrow\) electrons on the impurity. The actual calculation is performed in createPolesG_Up(int n). More...
double getOccupationDown ()
 returns the exp. value for spin- \(\downarrow\) electrons on the impurity. The actual calculation is performed in createPolesG_Down(int n). More...
double getOccupation ()
 returns the exp. value for electrons on the impurity. The actual calculation is performed in createPolesG_Up(int n) and createPolesG_Down(int n). More...
double getMagnetization ()
 returns the exp. value for the magnetization More...
void init ()
 prepares the NRG instance for the iterative diagonalization. More...
void setupInitialState ()
 initializes the impurity Hamiltonian \(H_0\). More...
void setupHamiltonian (int iteration)
 iterates over all possible quantum number Q and Sz for iteration N and constructs the Hamiltonian for the corresponding HilbertSubSpace. More...
void truncateStates (int iteration)
 marks all eigenstates above a cut-off energy \(E_c\) as discarded. More...
void propagateLocalMatrixElementUp (int iteration)
 calculates the local impurity matrix elements or spin- \(\uparrow\) for a given iteration. More...
void propagateLocalMatrixElementDown (int iteration)
 see propagateLocalMatrixElementUp(int iteration). This is the spin- \(\downarrow\) version. More...
void propagateLocalMatrixElementUp2 (int iteration)
 calculates other local impurity matrix elements or spin- \(\uparrow\) for a given iteration. More...
void propagateLocalMatrixElementDown2 (int iteration)
 see propagateLocalMatrixElementUp2(int iteration). This is the spin- \(\downarrow\) version. More...
void propagateChainOperatorElementsUp (int iteration)
 calculates the chain matrix elements for spin- \(\uparrow\) for a given iteration. More...
void propagateChainOperatorElementsDown (int iteration)
 see propagateChainOperatorElementsUp(int iteration). This is the spin- \(\downarrow\) version. More...
void createPolesG_Up (int iteration)
 calculates delta peaks for the spin- \(\uparrow\) impurity Green's function. More...
void createPolesG_Down (int iteration)
 see createPolesG_Up(int iteration). This is the spin- \(\downarrow\) version. More...
void createPolesF_Up (int iteration)
 calculates delta peaks for the spin- \(\uparrow\) impurity correlator used in the self-energy trick. More...
void createPolesF_Down (int iteration)
 see createPolesF_Down(int iteration). This is the spin- \(\downarrow\) version. More...
void solve (bool silent=false)
 solves the impurity problem. More...
void solve_symmetric_SZ (bool silent=false)
 Version of solve(bool silent) for a Wilson chain with Sz symmetry. More...
void builDM ()
 performs a backward run to construct the reduced density matrices
void showInfo ()
 lists the physical and numerical parameters for the NRG instance. Also dumps info about the Broadener object.
void deleteChainOperatorElements (int iteration)
 deletes all chain operator matrix elements for the indicated iteration. More...
void deleteTransformationMatrices (int iteration)
 deletes all transformation matrices for the indicated iteration. More...
void deleteDensityMatrices (int iteration)
 deletes all chain operator matrix elements for the indicated iteration. More...
void deleteImpurityMatrixElements (int iteration)
 deletes all impurity operator matrix elements for the indicated iteration. More...
void getSelfEnergy (math::CFunction &SUp, math::CFunction &SDown)
 returns the impurity selfenergy. More...
void getSelfEnergy (math::CFunction &S)
 returns the impurity selfenergy. More...
void getGreensFunction (math::CFunction &GUp, math::CFunction &GDown)
 returns the impurity Green's function. More...
void getGreensFunction (math::CFunction &G)
 returns the Green's function. More...
void getFFunction (math::CFunction &FUp, math::CFunction &FDown)
 returns the correlator for the self-energy trick More...
void getFFunction (math::CFunction &F)
 returns the correlator for the self-energy trick More...

Protected Attributes

math::CFunction m_F_S_Up
math::CFunction m_F_S_Down
math::CFunction m_F_G_Up
math::CFunction m_F_G_Down
math::CFunction m_F_F_Up
math::CFunction m_F_F_Down
double m_n_Up
double m_n_Down
double m_epsF
double m_U
double m_temperature
int m_maxIterations
std::mathbfor< double > m_energies
HilbertSpaceTable m_hilbertSpaces
double m_clusterEnergy
double m_energyCutOff
int m_maxHSdimension
int m_nFirstTruncated
int signLME [4]
int dQ [4]
int dSz [4]

Detailed Description

Density matrix implementation of the numerical renormalization group.

The Numerical Renormalization Group

The Numerical Renormalization Group (NRG) is one of the standard tools to study correlation effects in quantum impurity models. Here a small interacting subsystem with a small number of degrees of freedom (the impurity) is coupled to a bath of fermions. No restriction exists as to the structure of the impurity subsystem. The bath however must consist of non-interacting fermions.

Logarithmic discretization

At the heart of the NRG lies a logarithmic discretization of the continous conduction electron band. The continuum density of states \(\rho(\epsilon)\) is approximated by a discrete set of delta poles. By introducing a discretisation parameter \(\Lambda\) Wilson divided the normalised energy range \([-1,1]\) into \(2n\) intervals where the \(n\)th interval (for positive \(\epsilon\)) extends from \(\Lambda^{-(n+1)}\) to \(\Lambda^n\). The logarithmic discretisation separates the electron energies into different orders of magnitude where energies close to the Fermi level \(k_B T \ll D\) with \(D\) the bandwidth, which determine the low temperature properties, are well sampled.

Mapping onto a chain

In order to solve the discretized Hamiltonian iteratively one introduces a set of operators \(f_{n\sigma}\) with \(n>0\) in such a way that they exhibit only nearest neighbour coupling. The Hamiltonian assumes the structure of a hopping Hamiltonian on a semi-infinite chain, which is often referred to as the Wilson chain.

Iterative diagonalization

The transformations performed so far have rendered a form of the Hamiltonian which is amendable to an iterative diagonalisation procedure. Now one defines a sequence of Hamiltonians \(H_N\) with \(N \geq 0\). The full discrete Hamiltonian is recovered in the limit \(N\to\infty\) as

\( \begin{equation} H = \lim_{N\to\infty} \frac{1}{2} (1+\Lambda^{-1}) D \Lambda^{-(N-1)/2}H_N \end{equation} \)

Two successive Hamiltonians in the series are connected by the recursion relation

\( \begin{equation} H_{N+1} = \Lambda^{1/2} H_N + t_N ( f^\dagger_{N \sigma} f_{N+1\sigma} + f^\dagger _{N+1\sigma} f_{N\sigma} ) \end{equation} \)

with the initial Hamiltonian in the series containing the impurity itself given by

\( \begin{equation} H_0 = \Lambda^{-\frac{1}{2}} \left[ \tilde{\delta_d} c^\dagger_{d \sigma} c_{d \sigma} + \tilde{\Gamma}^{1/2} ( f^\dagger_{0 \sigma} c_{d\sigma} + \text{h.c.} ) + \tilde{U} ( c_{d \sigma}^\dagger c_{d \sigma} - 1)^2\right] \end{equation} \)

In this form the single impurity Anderson model can be efficiently solved on a computer by taking advantage of the renormalisation group character of the above description. One starts with a diagonalisation of \(H_0\) which can be easily accomplished numerically. Assuming that we have diagonalised a Wilson chain of length \(m\) and that the eigenstates are given by \(|\mathbf r;m\rangle\) we construct a product basis for the Wilson chain of length \(m+1\) by

\( \begin{equation} |(\mathbf r,\alpha_{m+1});m+1 \rangle = |\mathbf r; m \rangle \otimes |\alpha_{m+1}\rangle \end{equation} \)

where \(|\alpha_{m+1}\rangle\) are the eigenstates of the decoupled site \(|\alpha_{m+1}\rangle=\{ |\rangle,|\uparrow\rangle,|\downarrow\rangle,| \uparrow \downarrow \rangle \}\). The matrix elements of the Hamiltonian for the Wilson chain of length \(m+1\) for this product basis are given by

\( \begin{align} \langle(\mathbf r',\alpha'_{m+1}); m+1|&H_{m+1} |(\mathbf r,\alpha_{m+1}); m+1\rangle = \Lambda^{1/2} E_{\mathbf r,m} \delta_{\mathbf r \mathbf r'} \delta_{\alpha \alpha'} \nonumber \\ &+\left( \langle \mathbf r'; m |f^\dagger_{m\sigma} |\mathbf r;m \rangle \langle \alpha' | f_{m+1\alpha} |\alpha \rangle + \langle \mathbf r'; m | f_{m\sigma} |\mathbf r;m \rangle \langle\alpha'| f^\dagger_{m+1\alpha} |\alpha\rangle\right) \end{align} \)

The eigenvalue problem for the chain of length \(m+1\) can therefore be solved numerically using only a knowledge of the eigenspectrum of the chain of length \(m\) and the matrix elements of the operators \(f_{m\sigma}^\dagger\). Diagonalising the Hamiltonian \(H_{m+1}\), set up in the above product basis, can be described by a unitary transformation

\( \begin{equation} |\mathbf r'; m+1 \rangle = \sum_{\alpha_{m+1}, \mathbf r} U^{\alpha_{m+1}}_{\mathbf r', \mathbf r} |\mathbf r;m\rangle \otimes |\alpha_{m+1}\rangle \end{equation} \)

where \(|\mathbf r'; m+1 \rangle\) denotes the new eigenbasis of the Hamiltonian \(H_{m+1}\).

Illustration of the truncation procedure. The

iterative diagonalisation splits each energy level into 4 levels upon the addition of another chain element. In this schematic picture however each energy level is split into only two levels in order not to make the illustration to cluttered. Due to the exponential decrease in the couplings it is save to truncate the high energy states without altering the spectrum of the low energy states. The truncated states are marked red."


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

nrg::NRG::NRG ( ChainProvider chainProvider,
Broadener broadener 

constructs an NRG algorithm instance The Wilson chain is provided by an implementation of the ChainProvider interface. The Broadener is used after diagonalization of the chain and calculation of the density matrix to broaden the representation of various correlation functions as a discrete set of delta peaks into continous functions.

[in]chainProviderimplementation of the ChainProvider interface; supplies the Wilson chain.
[in]broadenerimplementation of the Broadener interface; broadens the discrete set of delta peaks of the correlation functions into continous functions.

Member Function Documentation

void nrg::NRG::configure ( config::Configuration configuration)

configures the NRG instance with information in the configuration object.

[in]configurationa configuration object which can be queried for various numerical and physical parameters concerning the impurity problem.
void nrg::NRG::createPolesF_Down ( int  iteration)

see createPolesF_Down(int iteration). This is the spin- \(\downarrow\) version.

[in]iterationNRG iteration
void nrg::NRG::createPolesF_Up ( int  iteration)

calculates delta peaks for the spin- \(\uparrow\) impurity correlator used in the self-energy trick.

This function uses the reduced density matrix and the impurity operator matrix elements to calculate delta peaks of the Lehmann representation of the spin- \(\uparrow\) correlator for the given iteration used in the self-energy trick.

[in]iterationNRG iteration
void nrg::NRG::createPolesG_Down ( int  iteration)

see createPolesG_Up(int iteration). This is the spin- \(\downarrow\) version.

[in]iterationNRG iteration
void nrg::NRG::createPolesG_Up ( int  iteration)

calculates delta peaks for the spin- \(\uparrow\) impurity Green's function.

This function uses the reduced density matrix and the impurity operator matrix elements to calculate delta peaks of the Lehmann representation of the spin- \(\uparrow\) impurity Green's function for the given iteration.

[in]iterationNRG iteration
void nrg::NRG::deleteChainOperatorElements ( int  iteration)

deletes all chain operator matrix elements for the indicated iteration.

[in]iterationNRG iteration
void nrg::NRG::deleteDensityMatrices ( int  iteration)

deletes all chain operator matrix elements for the indicated iteration.

[in]iterationNRG iteration
void nrg::NRG::deleteImpurityMatrixElements ( int  iteration)

deletes all impurity operator matrix elements for the indicated iteration.

[in]iterationNRG iteration
void nrg::NRG::deleteTransformationMatrices ( int  iteration)

deletes all transformation matrices for the indicated iteration.

[in]iterationNRG iteration
double nrg::NRG::getClusterEnergy ( ) const

returns the cluster energy.

Symmetries create degeneracies in the spectrum of eigenstates. Due to numerical noise these states can energetically drift apart by tiny amounts. It is generally not a good idea to cut-off within a multiplet (or "cluster"). It is ensured that no cut is made in between two energy levels less than a certain energy difference apart. This function returns this energy difference.

cluster energy
double nrg::NRG::getEnergyCutOff ( ) const

returns the high energy cut-off for state truncation

high-energy cut-off
double nrg::NRG::getEpsF ( ) const

retrieves the on-site impurity energy \(\epsilon_f\)

epsF on-site energy \(\epsilon_f\)
void nrg::NRG::getFFunction ( math::CFunction FUp,
math::CFunction FDown 

returns the correlator for the self-energy trick

FUpreference to spin- \(\uparrow\) correlator
FDownreference to spin- \(\downarrow\) correlator
void nrg::NRG::getFFunction ( math::CFunction F)

returns the correlator for the self-energy trick

Freference to spin- \(\uparrow\) correlator
void nrg::NRG::getGreensFunction ( math::CFunction GUp,
math::CFunction GDown 

returns the impurity Green's function.

[out]GUpreference to spin- \(\uparrow\) Green's function
[out]GDownreference to spin- \(\downarrow\) Green's function
void nrg::NRG::getGreensFunction ( math::CFunction G)

returns the Green's function.

[out]Greference to spin- \(\uparrow\) Green's function
double nrg::NRG::getMagnetization ( )

returns the exp. value for the magnetization

The actual calculation is performed in createPolesG_Up(int n) and createPolesG_Down(int n). The magnetization is calculated as \( \avg{m} = \avg{n_\uparrow} - \avg{\downarrow}\)

int nrg::NRG::getMaxHilbertSpaceDimension ( )

returns the maximum allowed size of the HilberSpace. See truncateStates(int n).

max dimension of HilbertSpace
int nrg::NRG::getMaxIterations ( )

returns the number of NRG iterations to be performed.

NRG iterations
double nrg::NRG::getOccupation ( )

returns the exp. value for electrons on the impurity. The actual calculation is performed in createPolesG_Up(int n) and createPolesG_Down(int n).

double nrg::NRG::getOccupationDown ( )

returns the exp. value for spin- \(\downarrow\) electrons on the impurity. The actual calculation is performed in createPolesG_Down(int n).

double nrg::NRG::getOccupationUp ( )

returns the exp. value for spin- \(\uparrow\) electrons on the impurity. The actual calculation is performed in createPolesG_Up(int n).

void nrg::NRG::getSelfEnergy ( math::CFunction SUp,
math::CFunction SDown 

returns the impurity selfenergy.

[out]SUpreference to spin- \(\uparrow\) self energy
[out]SDownreference to spin- \(\downarrow\) self energy
void nrg::NRG::getSelfEnergy ( math::CFunction S)

returns the impurity selfenergy.

[out]Sreference to spin- \(\uparrow\) self energy
double nrg::NRG::getTemperature ( ) const

retrieves the system temperature T

system temperature T
double nrg::NRG::getU ( ) const

retrieves the strength of the on-site impurity interaction U

on-site impurity interaction U
void nrg::NRG::init ( )

prepares the NRG instance for the iterative diagonalization.

The function performs the following steps:


  • If the max. iterations have not been set, chooses them automatically based on the system temperature T.
  • Checks whether enough NRG iteration will be performed for the given temperature T.
  • Calls the ChainProvider to prepare a chain of the appropriate length,
  • Sets the temperature T in the broadeners and initializes them.
  • Calls setupInitialState() to initialize the impurity Hamiltonian \(H_0\).
void nrg::NRG::propagateChainOperatorElementsDown ( int  iteration)

see propagateChainOperatorElementsUp(int iteration). This is the spin- \(\downarrow\) version.

[in]iterationNRG iteration
void nrg::NRG::propagateChainOperatorElementsUp ( int  iteration)

calculates the chain matrix elements for spin- \(\uparrow\) for a given iteration.

Assuming that we have diagonalised a Wilson chain of length \(m\) and that the eigenstates are given by \(|\mathbf r;m\rangle\) we construct a product basis for the Wilson chain of length \(m+1\) by

\( \begin{equation} |(\mathbf r,\alpha_{m+1});m+1\rangle = |\mathbf r; m\rangle \otimes |\alpha_{m+1}\rangle \end{equation} \)

where \(|\alpha_{m+1}\rangle\) are the eigenstates of the decoupled site \(|\alpha_{m+1}\rangle=\{ |\rangle,|\uparrow\rangle,|\downarrow\rangle,| \uparrow \downarrow \rangle \}\). The matrix elements of the Hamiltonian for the Wilson chain of length \(m+1\) for this product basis are given by

\( \begin{align} \langle(\mathbf r',\alpha'_{m+1}); m+1| &H_{m+1} |(\mathbf r,\alpha_{m+1}); m+1\rangle = \Lambda^{1/2} E_{\mathbf r,m} \delta_{\mathbf r \mathbf r'} \delta_{\alpha \alpha'} \nonumber \\ &+\left( \langle \mathbf r'; m | f^\dagger_{m\sigma} | \mathbf r;m \rangle \langle \alpha'| f_{m+1\alpha} |\alpha \rangle + \langle \mathbf r'; m | f_{m\sigma} |\mathbf r;m\rangle \langle\alpha'| f^\dagger_{m+1\alpha} |\alpha\rangle\right). \end{align} \)

It is precisely the matrix elements \( \langle \mathbf r'; m | f^\dagger_{m\uparrow} | \mathbf r;m \rangle \), which are calculated in this function.

[in]iterationNRG iteration
void nrg::NRG::propagateLocalMatrixElementDown ( int  iteration)

see propagateLocalMatrixElementUp(int iteration). This is the spin- \(\downarrow\) version.

[in]iterationNRG iteration
void nrg::NRG::propagateLocalMatrixElementDown2 ( int  iteration)

see propagateLocalMatrixElementUp2(int iteration). This is the spin- \(\downarrow\) version.

[in]iterationNRG iteration
void nrg::NRG::propagateLocalMatrixElementUp ( int  iteration)

calculates the local impurity matrix elements or spin- \(\uparrow\) for a given iteration.

Lehmann resolving the impurity spectral function one obtains

\( \begin{equation} A_\sigma(\omega) = \sum_{a,b} \bra{b} c_{d\sigma}\ket{a} \frac{\exp{\left[ -\beta E_a \right]}}{Z} \bra{a}c_{d\sigma}^\dagger\ket{b} \delta(\omega + E_a - E_b) \end{equation} \)

where $Z$ is the total partition function $Z = {[ - E_a ]}$, ${a}$ and ${b}$ are a complete set of states and $E_a$ is the eigenenergy of state ${a}$. We see that the Lehmann representation gathers the necessary information to construct the spectrum from knowledge of certain matrix elements encoding hopping processes between the impurity and the conduction electron band. It is precisely these matrix elements \( \langle \mathbf r'; m | c^\dagger_{\uparrow} | \mathbf r;m \rangle \delta_{\alpha' \alpha} \) which are calculated in this function.

[in]iterationNRG iteration
void nrg::NRG::propagateLocalMatrixElementUp2 ( int  iteration)

calculates other local impurity matrix elements or spin- \(\uparrow\) for a given iteration.

Bulla et al. first showed that it is possible to write the self-energy as the ratio of two correlation functions, both of which can be calculated directly within the NRG. An equation of motion technique is used to show that the self-energy is given by,

\( \begin{equation} \Sigma_\sigma(\omega) = U \frac{F_{\sigma}(\omega)}{G_{\sigma}(\omega)} \end{equation} \)

where $G_{}()$ is the impurity Green's function defined as

\( \begin{equation} G_{\sigma}(\omega) = -i \int_{-\infty}^\infty dt~e^{ i \omega t } \Theta(t) \avg{ \left\{ f_{\sigma}(t), f_{\sigma}^\dagger \right\} } \end{equation} \)

and $F_{}()$ is an auxiliary correlation function given by

\( \begin{equation} F_{\sigma}(\omega) = -i \int_{-\infty}^\infty dt e^{ i \omega t } \Theta(t) \avg{ \left\{ \left( f_{\bar{\sigma}}^\dagger f_{\bar{\sigma}} f_{\sigma}\right)(t), f_{\sigma}^\dagger \right\} } \end{equation} \)

The imaginary parts of $F_{}()$ and $G_{}()$ are calculated from NRG data using the Lehman sum within the full density matrix approach, with the poles of the spectrum broadened as above. The real parts are then obtained by Kramers-Kronig transform. Discretization artifacts cancel to some extent by dividing the two quantities. This produces a rather smooth self-energy, which in term can be used to calculate an improved spectrum for the impurity. Z-averaging can also be used to further increase accuracy and resolution.

It is precisely these matrix elements \( \langle \mathbf r'; m | c^\dagger_{\downarrow} c^\phantom{\dagger}_{\downarrow} c^\dagger_{\uparrow} | \mathbf r;m \rangle \delta_{\alpha' \alpha} \) which are calculated in this function.

[in]iterationNRG iteration
void nrg::NRG::setClusterEnergy ( double  clusterEnergy)

sets the cluster energy to the indicated value. see getClusterEnergy().

void nrg::NRG::setEnergyCutOff ( double  energyCutOff)

sets the high energy cut-off for state truncation

[in]clusterEnergynew high-energy cut-off
void nrg::NRG::setEpsF ( double  epsF)

sets the on-site impurity energy \(\epsilon_f\)

[in]epsFon-site energy \(\epsilon_f\)
void nrg::NRG::setMaxHilbertSpaceDimension ( int  maxHSdimension)

sets the maximum allowed size of the HilberSpace. See truncateStates(int n).

It is advisable to set this number to a large value (so that it does not get in the way) and let the energy cut-off( see setEnergyCutOff(double energyCutOff) ) do the truncation.

[in]maxHSdimensionmax. dimension of the HilbertSpace
void nrg::NRG::setMaxIterations ( int  maxIterations)

sets the number of NRG iterations to be performed.

[in]maxIterations# of NRG iterations
void nrg::NRG::setTemperature ( double  T)

sets the system temperature T

[in]Tsystem temperature T
void nrg::NRG::setU ( double  U)

sets the strength of the on-site impurity interaction U

Uon-site impurity interaction U
void nrg::NRG::setupHamiltonian ( int  iteration)

iterates over all possible quantum number Q and Sz for iteration N and constructs the Hamiltonian for the corresponding HilbertSubSpace.

For a given HilbertSubSpace (HSS) in iteration N the function looks up the appropriate HSSs (up to 4) of iteration N-1 and uses the chain matrix elements to construct the Hamiltonian for the HSS in iteration N. Then the Hamiltonian is diagonalized using a call to Lapack's dsyev Lapack replaces the Hamiltonian m_H in the HSS by the unitary transformation that diagonalized it and places and sorts the eigenvalues (energies) into the HSS object as well. The function discards the chain matrix elements of iteration N-1, which are no longer needed.

[in]iterationNRG iteration
void nrg::NRG::setupInitialState ( )

initializes the impurity Hamiltonian \(H_0\).

This function creates the first 4 HilbertSubSpace instances for the chain consisting only of the impurity ( \( \{ |\rangle,|\uparrow\rangle,|\downarrow\rangle,| \uparrow \downarrow \rangle \}\) ). It determines the eigenenergies and both the local impurity and the chain matrix elements.

void nrg::NRG::solve ( bool  silent = false)

solves the impurity problem.

First, the function queries the ChainProvider whether the provided chain is symmetric with respect to the Sz quantum number. If so, it suffices to calculate all matrix elements and correlator for spin- \(\uparrow\) only.

The algorithm moves along the Wilson chain iteratively in a forward-backward- forward pattern.

Step 1 - Forward run: Iterative diagonalization

In the first forward run, the Hamiltonian is iteratively constructed and diagonalized (using setupHamiltonian(int n) ). Chain matrix elements are calculated along the way as needed. Once the highest eigenenergy of the chain exceeds the predefined threshold value, the truncation sets in (see truncateStates(int iteration) ) and only the kept states are used to construct the HilbertSpace of the next iteration.

Step 2 - Backward run: Reduced density matrix

In a second step, buildDM() is called, which performs a backward run starting from the last iteration and calculates the reduced density matrix for the different iterations.

Step 3 - Forward run: Calculation of Correlators

In a third step, a forward run is performed which uses the reduced density matrix to calculate impurity matrix elements. The matrices are propagated from iteration to iteration and used to calculate an approximate Lehmann representation of the impurity Green's function and a another correlation function which is needed for the self-energy trick.

Finally, the discrete set of delta peaks for each correlator is broadened to get continous functions (see Broadener).

[in]silentif true, silences the impurity solver (useful for DMFT)
void nrg::NRG::solve_symmetric_SZ ( bool  silent = false)

Version of solve(bool silent) for a Wilson chain with Sz symmetry.

silentif true, silences the impurity solver (useful for DMFT)
void nrg::NRG::truncateStates ( int  iteration)

marks all eigenstates above a cut-off energy \(E_c\) as discarded.

The Hilbertspace grows exponentially with the length of the Wilson chain. Therefore the eigenstates have to be truncated above an energy cutoff (see void setEnergyCutOff(double energyCutOff) ). Only the "kept" states in iteration N-1 with an energy smaller than the cut-off are used to construct the Hilbertspace for iteration N. A separation of energy scales is achieved by the logarithmic discretization of the energy band and justifies the truncation: States with a high energy in iteration N-1 cannot affect the structure of the low-energy states in iteration N.

Special attention has to be paid to the role of symmetries. Symmetries create degeneracies in the spectrum of eigenstates. Due to numerical noise these states can energetically drift apart by tiny amounts. It is generally not a good idea to cut-off within a multiplet. It is ensured that no cut is made in between two energy levels less than a certain energy difference apart (see void setClusterEnergy(double clusterEnergy) ).

[in]iterationNRG iteration

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • /home/chris/Development/Release/NanoStructures/nrg/nrg.h
  • /home/chris/Development/Release/NanoStructures/nrg/nrg.cpp